About Us

The Heng Ee Wind Orchestra was established on 1st January 1990. Due to financial constraints, the band had only a small number of musical instruments. Moreover, there were only 12 members in the year 1994. Fortunately, Mr. Goh Boon Poh who was then the Senior Assistant of Students Affairs suggested to the School Board to add a variety of instruments. Finally, the Heng Ee Military Band was formed under the patronage of the School Board and had 60 members in the year 1995. In the year 1996, the band then took part in the school’s first annual concert and received commendable reviews from the audience. In 1997, the School Board purchased several percussion and wind instruments. By then, the number of the band members had exceeded 100. In order to improve the overall standard of performances, the band frequently invites Mr. Mitsuo Nonami, a well-known musician and a successful conductor from Japan to enhance the musical knowledge and skills among the band members. In the year 2005, the band also invited Mr.Chan Wing Khooi, an outstanding band instructor from Kuala Lumpur to propel the band to greater excellence. By the year 2006, all kinds of instruments were acquired to construct a full-fledged band. The band was then renamed as Heng Ee High School Symphony Band. In the year 2013, the band was once again renamed as Heng Ee High School Wind Orchestra.

本校铜乐队成立于1990年1月1日。成立初期,由于资金缺乏,所购置的乐器不多,所以只能 成立一个小型的乐队,1994年铜乐队只有12名团员。吴文宝校长亦于当年升任为校长后,向 本校董事部提议增置乐器,扩大乐队阵容。1995年,本校军铜乐队终于在董事部的鼎力资助下成立,当时队员有60名,并于当年学校运动会中,第一次率领运动员进场。1996年,本校军铜乐队参加本校第一届《萌芽》文娱晚会,深获好评。1997年,董事部增购多几件敲击乐器及吹管乐器,当时团员亦超出100名,正式成为百人乐队。本校乐队为了提升演奏水准屡次邀请日本著名音乐兼指挥家野波光雄(Mr. Mitsuo Nonami)前来指导。2005年,本校乐队邀请吉隆坡著名乐队教练陈垠贵为客卿指导。本校为了提升乐队为管乐团,亦2006年购入各种吹管乐器,使乐团成为乐器较完整的管乐团。2013年,本团从管乐团改名为管乐交响乐团。

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